Secrets, Revelations, and Salvation - Book Two
Alexis Marsh's Search for the TruthSuffused with intense emotions, filled with suspense and mystery, and a dash of romance, Secrets, Revelations, and Salvation is a gripping tale that will absorb readers from beginning to end.
A fusion of different feelings will be injected into book enthusiasts’ spines as the author of “Truth, Lies and Alibis” brings the continuation of her gripping tale to their bookshelves. This time, Annmarie Sartor takes readers on a fascinating journey and exciting quest for answers as the main character of her story, Alexis Marsh, searches for truth and uncovers the Secrets, Revelations, and Salvation.
As her journey continues, Alexis (Abby) Marsh continues to uncover the mysteries that surround her life – large sums of money, real estate holdings and companies left to her by her father. She also learns a shocking truth about the mother she never knew and the rare cancer that took her away. More is also revealed about Damon’s shadowy past as he grapples with his deepening feelings for Alexis and his struggle to keep her safe. While Alexis and Damon flee the country, her secret still eats away at her soul as she realizes she’s fallen in love with him. Unable to keep her knowledge hidden, their relationship fractures leading her to uncover the most startling and life-changing discovery yet.
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