My Favorite Things

Our new addition after losing Belle. This is Jagger at 5 months old. He's a male red and white Border Collie.

My Dixie

Cardinal babies

Wren babies

Cardinal eggs in a potted tree on my deck.

House Wren eggs in my hanging basket.

Our new deck!!

When we're in Florida I love to watch the Blue Angels practice.


Crawfish boils are a highlight of the Spring and early Summer.

So my husband and I have two, four-legged children, Dixie and Belle. This is Dixie, our 4-year-old Border Collie. What can I say about Dixie? She is crazy smart, loves to play ball and has abundant energy.

This is Belle, our 11-year-old Sheltie. She is extremely smart and somehow tolerates Dixie and us most of the time.

I love the outdoors and spend as much time there as possible. This is my little fish pond that is built into a deck on the back of our house.

Going to Saints games is one of my favorite things to do especially with people I love!

Growing up just outside New Orleans in a family of sports fanatics made it inevitable that I would be a New Orleans Saints fan.
After nearly 40 years of disappointing seasons, our home team finally put it all together and won a Super Bowl XLIV.